BishkekBuild: die Messe

BishkekBuild 2024
Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport)
Informationen über BishkekBuild
- Branchen: Innenarchitektur, Klimaanlagen, Kühlung, Baumaschinen, Klempnerei, Renovierung, Möbel, Beleuchtung, Heizung, Schreinerei, Handwerk
- Frequenz: anual
- Reichweite: Internacional
Nächste Ausgabe BishkekBuild
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- Veranstaltungsort: Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport)
- Stadt: Bishkek
- Land: Kirgistan
Ausgaben BishkekBuild
BishkekBuild 2024 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2023 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2022 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2021 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2019 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2018 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2017 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2016 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2015 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2014 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2013 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2012 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2011 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2010 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2009 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2008 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2007 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2006 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2005 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2004 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |
BishkekBuild 2003 | Vom zu | Dvorets Sporta (Palace of Sport) |